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Our Funders

MVP is funded by our dues paying member groups and through our annual ad-book. Our ongoing work is also supported by these foundations.

Cummings Foundation

Episcopal City Mission - Burgess Urban Fund

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Archdiocese of Boston

The Clipper Ship Foundation

CWS/National Sanctuary Movement

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -- Domestic Hunger Program

First Parish in Concord Social Action Committee

Greater Lowell Community Fund

Harvard Memorial Church

Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation

MassVote -- The Boston Foundation

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Paul and Edith Babson Foundation

Peace Development Fund

Presbyterian Hunger Program

The Theodore Edison Parker Foundation

Raskob Foundation

Unitarian Universalist Fund for a Just Society

United Church of Christ -- Justice and Witness Ministries

West Church, UCC Andover: Smith Purdon Fund