Our Path Forward: MICAH Awards Dinner & Annual Meeting!

  Sunday, November 16, 2025, 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: TBA

To buy tickets, go to www.MICAHtickets.org

To buy an ad in the ad book, go to www.MICAHads.org

To nominate someone from your organization for a MICAH award, go to www.MICAHnominations.org

When the people asked the prophet Micah the question, “With what shall I come before the Lord? …burnt offerings…rivers of olive oil… my firstborn?” here is what the prophet replied, a concise summary of a faithful life:

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly,

and to love mercy

and to walk humbly

with your God. (Micah 6:8)

Merrimack Valley Project raises up local heroes who live out Micah’s words at our annual MICAH Awards Celebration (Ministry In Community Action Honoree).

MVP member groups are encouraged to nominate one of their own to be recognized at this event. These honorees will be people who are active not only in their own organizations, but who also have made a difference in the broader community and beyond.  


Dear MVP Supporter,

We write to thank you for your generous support of the Merrimack Valley Project in the past, and to ask for your financial support again this year.

This year, we mark the 31st Anniversary of MVP’s Founding Convention. We proudly celebrate that history, made possible by ordinary people who came together to improve life in the Valley. When a cry for justice rose up, MVP was there to organize the struggle and to produce results.

You are part of that impressive history, having given your voice, your dollars, and your energy to fight for human dignity and social justice.

With the generous support of donors like you, during the past year MVP has been busy organizing for immigrant rights, racial justice, criminal justice reform, economic justice, and exploring Just Transition and environmental justice. Once again, we have ambitious plans for a busy year organizing and training community leaders who want to transform their lives and life in the Merrimack Valley.

Our 12th Annual MICAH Awards (Ministry In Community Action Honoree) will be held at 6:00 PM on Saturday, November 9, 2024. We invite you to have YOUR name or ad in the program book that will be sent to all those who attend (or contribute to) this inspiring event. We will honor members from our various communities who have especially lived into the prophet Micah’s guidance to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” in their own organization and in the broader community.

Here are the details about the MICAH Awards Ceremony, as well as an order form for your display ad.

We believe our work justifies your generous support.

We hope to see you at the MICAH Awards, and we look forward to building a relationship in which we work together for the betterment of the community we all love. Without the support of organizations like yours, we simply could not continue our important work.


Paul Gaudet, President

For more information, please contact the office at 978-686-0650 or at info@merrimackvalleyproject.org.

The Merrimack Valley Project is a non-partisan, non-profit, non-denominational, tax-exempt organization of 35+ congregations, labor unions, and community groups representing over 20,000 people who reflect the diversity and hopes of all who live here. We work to build deeper ties among our communities and to address issues that negatively affect the quality of life for all our residents. For more information, please contact the office at (978) 686-0650 or at info@merrimackvalleyproject.org.

Program Ad Order Form Donor Letter MICAH Award Nomination Letter MICAH Award Nomination Form Event Description